Friday, January 20, 2017

Pokemon Sun and Moon - Strategies for Battle tree and Battle royal

...if you don't agree please don't kill me it just happens to work for me...0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

Recommended Poke's


It has high Attack and Speed stats, complemented with decent defense relative to its offense. It’s recommended as a Physical attacker. Apart from its stats, it does not solely rely on Mega evolving, which make it compatible to equip various items depending on which is desired. Garchomp’s Hidden Ability Rough Skin is recommended.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Jolly
Held Item: Lum Berry
Effort Values: 252 Attack / 252 Speed
Move: Earthquake / Outrage / Swords Dance / Substitute

Its Hidden Ability Multiscale halves the damage dealt by the opponent when Dragonite’s HP is full. This ability provides an opportunity to stack its buff move Dragon Dance to aim for a sweep. The recommended items for Dragonite are Lum Berry or a Flyinium Z + Flying-type move. Unfortunately, Extreme Speed is unavailable until Poke Bank comes out.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Jolly
Held Item: Flyinium Z
Effort Values: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed
Move: Outrage / Fly / Earthquake / Dragon Dance
Mega Salamence
It has high Attack, Defense and Speed stats. Its Defense is patched up further by its Ability Intimidate when it is first sent out. This provides a great opportunity to set-up its buff move Dragon Dance when conditions are favorable. After it Mega Evolves, its ability will change to Aerilate which changes all Normal-Type moves to Flying-Type. This allows Mega-Salamence to take an offensive role due to STAB.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Jolly
Held Item: Salamencite
Effort Values: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed
Move: Return / Outrage / Earthquake / Dragon Dance
In spite of Hydreigon’s weaknesses, it is nevertheless a good-typing to complement its allies. With high Sp.Attack, Speed, and a wide movepool, it makes a great choice as a special attacker. One of the recommended items are: Choice Scarf which is effective on single battles, and Assault Vest when emphasizing switching performance.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Timid
Held Item: Assault Vest
Effort Values: 252 Sp.Atk/ 252 Speed
Move: Draco Meteor / Dark Pulse / Flamethrower / Surf


It sports good durability and a high Attack stat. Similar to Salamence, it can aim for a sweep with Dragon Dance due to its possession of the Intimidate ability prior to Mega Evolving. Once it Mega Evolves, it gains the Mold Breaker ability which bypasses opponents having the abilities Sturdy and Levitate to deliver a KO. Its improved defenses upon Mega Evolving should be taken advantage of by allowing it to switch-in on several offensive threats using Intimidate.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Jolly
Held Item: Gyaradosite
Effort Values: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed
Move: Waterfall / Crunch / Earthquake / Dragon Dance


It has high Sp.Attack and Speed and a wide movepool. Equipped with a Focus Sash, it can survive a turn and score a knock out or two. In addition, it is capable of taking an opponent down with it using Destiny Bond. Gaining advantage in numbers can easily be done since a Gengar can take out 2 opponents. Another strong point is that it can be after switched against a Fighting-type.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Timid
Held Item: Focus Sash
Effort Values: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
Move: Sludge Bomb / Shadow Ball / Dazzling Gleam / Destiny Bond

■ Mimikyu

Since it prevents any damage it takes first with the ability Disguise, it can be after switched against many opponents. Switching on Normal, Fighting and Dragon types is advantageous as it resists their attacks due to its great typing. Mimikyu can survive another turn by equipping a Focus Sash once its Disguise wears off which is effective on the Singles Format. If there’s an opportunity, it can buff with Swords Dance and aim for a sweep.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Jolly
Held Item: Focus Sash
Effort Values: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed
Move: Shadow Claw / Play Rough / Shadow Sneak / Swords Dance

■ Aegislash

If you can use its ability Stance Change properly, it can be effective in battle.
During shield form, it can avoid taking any damage. One of its recommended moves is King’s Shield. When this move is used, it can effectively decrease the enemy’s attack stat by 1 stage when it’s hit by a contact move. This opportunity allows it to buff using Swords Dance.  In addition, this form makes Aegislash more durable which allow it to safely switch-in to sponge an enemy’s ineffective attack. Other recommended moves are: Shadow Sneak which is boosted by STAB; and Sacred Sword which provides additional type coverage while ignoring the opponent’s defense and evasion buffs.
Since it’s very weak against stat ailments, anticipating enemies style is very important.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Adamant
Held Item: Lum Berry
Effort Values: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed
Move: Shadow Sneak / Iron Head / Swords Dance / King’s Shield

■ Mega-Scizor

It has great durability and tolerance due to its typing making it an effective team player. If it can set-up Swords Dance buffs, it can finish off most weakened opponents as a late game sweeper using the move Bullet Punch since its boosted by the Technician ability.
In terms of effort value investment, it can capitalize on maximizing Attack to achieve maximum damage; or invest on defenses to emphasize on buffing and switching.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Careful
Held Item: Scizorite
Effort Values: 236 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 20 Defense
Move: Bullet Punch / Toxic / Swords Dance / Roost

■ Mega-Metagross

In terms of stats, its highest are Attack, and Defense; with Speed and Sp. Attack falling only a few points short from them. It has a massive attack for a Steel-Type, however be wary of the high power physical STAB moves as they have low accuracy.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Jolly
Held Item: Metagrossite
Effort Values: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed
Move: Meteor Mash / Zen Headbutt / Hammer Arm / Bullet Punch
■ Azumarill
There are a number of strong points such as: its great Water-Fairy Typing which is complemented by decent defenses and offense through its Huge Power ability. It makes a great teammate due to the above mentioned features. Its move Aqua Jet deals a good amount of damage due to its STAB, ability, and priority. It works great for the singles format due to its dual-typing which lessens the damage received from Steel-Type Pokemon. For this reason, it functions as a great ally for Dragon-Type Pokemon.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Adamant
Held Item: Assault Vest
Effort Values: 236 HP / 252 Attack / 8 Defense / 8 Sp.Def / 4 Speed
Move: Aqua Jet / Waterfall / Play Rough / Superpower

■ Tapu Koko

Its great typing and high base Speed stat are its strong points. With its Electric Surge ability, it sets an Electric Terrain on the field which powers up Electric-Type moves and prevents any Pokemon from being put to Sleep. It provides a wide type coverage against common opponents belonging to: Dragon, Fighting, Flying, Water and Dark-Type Pokemon.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Timid
Held Item: Fairium Z
Effort Values: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
Move: Thunderbolt / Dazzling Gleam / Grass Knot / Hidden Power (Ice or Fire)

■ Tapu Lele

The Psychic Guardian Diety has high Sp. Attack complemented by its Psychic Surge ability which boosts Psychic-Type moves. Once it has set up the Psychic Terrain, it stops the use of priority-moves for a number of turns. This is beneficial for allies that are fast but only have 1 HP left. It has a huge type advantage against Fighting-Type Pokemon. However it needs to be wary of Steel-Types which resist both of its STAB moves, therefore it’s recommended to have a Pokemon that can cover its weaknesses such as Fighting, Fire, or Ground-Type Pokemon. Its second highest base stat is Sp. Defense which makes it also effective as a Sp. Defensive shield.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Timid
Held Item: Assault Vest
Effort Values: Sp.Atk 252 Speed 252
Move: Psychic / Moonblast / Shadow Ball / Grass Knot

■ Pheromosa

It is capable of putting offensive pressure due to its exceptionally high base Speed stat, and offenses: Attack and Sp. Attack. Since its defenses are frail, it can be remedied by equipping it with a Focus Sash. If it can take out an opponent, its ability Beast Boost will grant some increase to its offenses, this could allow it to aim for a sweep. Due to its already high Base Speed, it’s better to capture one with an Attack-increasing Nature such as Lonely.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Lonely
Held Item: Focus Sash
Effort Values: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Sp.Atk
Move: Low Kick / Lunge / Poison Jab / Ice Beam

■ Kartana

Its Base attack stat is exceptionally high, which is complemented by its Tier 109 Base Speed. Focusing on offensive moves alone, it can still gain a buff through its ability Beast Boost if it can take out an opponent before going down. Although it also has a high Defense, its HP is lacking. Due to its frail Sp. Defense stat, be wary of the opponent’s Special attacks. Since it’s not viable to run a defensive role, it is recommended to prolong its longevity by equipping Kartana with a Focus Sash.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Jolly
Held Item: Focus Sash
Effort Values: 252 Attack / 252 Speed
Move: Leaf Blade / Smart Strike / Sacred Sword / Psycho Cut

■ Xurkitree

If you can activate its Beast Boost ability, you can finish off several slower opponents.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Timid
Held Item: Grassium Z
Effort Values: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
Move: Thunderbolt / Grass Knot / Dazzling Gleam / Signal Beam

■ Celesteela

Since it has superior durability and resistance, it has high switching performance. With a weight of 2204.4 lbs, it is recommended to teach Celesteela the STAB move Heavy Slam. With this move, it can deal a tremendous amount of damage without any Attack EV investment. By capitalizing on its high base Defense stat, it can replenish damage by using the move Leech Seed, etc.
[Sample Style]
Nature: Relaxed
Held Item: Leftovers
Effort Values: 252 HP / 252 Defense
Move: Heavy Slam / Flamethrower / Earthquake / Leech Seed

■ Gengar / Garchomp / MegaScizor

The strategy is to use a held item which boosts Gengar’s STAB moves to take out Pokemon that can threaten one of its allies such as Garchomp’s Fairy-Type weakness.
In addition, Garchomp and Scizor also cover each other’s weaknesses. When a faster Psychic-Type Pokemon is sent out against Gengar, it is recommended to switch out to Scizor as it resists Psychic-Type moves.

Dragonite / Mega-Metagross / Mimikyu

Lead with Dragonite and use Dragon Dance when the condition is favorable and aim to sweep.
If the opponent threatens Dragonite, it is recommended to switch to the appropriate counter that can tank the hit. If Dragonite can defeat two opponents, Mimikyu can finish the last one with its ability Disguise and held item Focus Sash.

■ Tapu Koko / Mega-Salamence / Aegislash

Since Tapu Koko has high speed and attack, and in addition great typing, it makes an effective lead. When the opponent uses Pokemon with a Ground-type move, switch to Salamence to weaken it with Intimidate and aim to sweep with Dragon Dance buffs. If the opponent sends out a Pokemon with a Poison-type move. instead, switch to Aegislash.
Since Tapu Koko’s Electric Terrain can be a counter against the enemy’s hypnosis tactic

■ Pheromosa / Mega-Gyarados / Xurkitree

As a fast glass-cannon, Pheromosa can further increase its chances of sweeping if it can outrun its opponents and take them out efficiently.
With two Ultra Beasts that possess the same ability, Beast Boost, and a Dragon Dance buffing Gyarados; it forms a team that capitalizes on taking advantage of buff and boosts..
Take advantage of Gyarados’ Intimidate ability first before deciding to Mega Evolve.

■ Kartana / Tapu Lele / Garchomp

Put Kartana at the first slot of the party and try to deal as much damage as you can. Make sure to switch the enemy uses a Fighting or Fire-type Pokemon.
Switching in Tapu Lele is advised in order to protect Kartana if you suspect that there are priority moves that might finish it off. Keep in mind that these would only last for a limited number of turns that Psychic Terrain is activated.
Little note here: I have Gotten these ideas mostly by trial and error and some youtubers such as this video
I have no idea who it is....but you'll notice he a similarity to one of my teams.....


Xurkitree @ Shuca Berry 
Ability: Beast Boost 
Level: 65 
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD 
Quiet Nature 
IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Spe 
- Tail Glow 
- Discharge 
- Dazzling Gleam 
- Protect 

Oranguru @ Mental Herb 
Ability: Inner Focus/Telepathy 
Level: 50 
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD 
Calm Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Instruct 
- Protect 
- Psychic 
- Trick Room 

Tapu Lele @ Choice Scarf 
Ability: Psychic Surge 
Level: 65 
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Timid Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Psychic 
- Dazzling Gleam 
- Shadow Ball 
- Thunderbolt 

Marowak-Alola @ Thick Club 
Ability: Lightning Rod 
Level: 53
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def 
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Bone 
- Flare Blitz 
- Earthquake 
- Rock Slide

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